Friday, March 27, 2009

"Its ya birthday"

We went to the Red Woods on P-Day
Elders are wonderful! It sure was good
to be in our Jeans!!!!
This is a beautiful tree we pass about 10 times
a day. It's at at a buzy intersection so Tanya
snapped this as we flew by.
Disrict Development Meeting
most of the Zone was here for this one

My birthday door! I just love all the
cards and especially the ones drawn by little hands

The only bad thing about my brithday is that it
is followed by TAX day. What a bummer!

We have had a wonderful two weeks since our last post. My birthday was terrific. It started out with four Elders on our door step singing early in the the morning. I feel great for a 58 yr old dude. We celebrated with Elder and Sister House who drove over the mountain from San Jose to go to diner with us. We knew the Houses in the Phillippines. They are really fun.
We are starting to really get into the mission. I can get around really well in the city now. It is really not that big so we see alot of it over and over again. We have met many wonderful people. Tanya is the best companion ever. She has really stepped up. She has had a number of conversations with our neighbor and invited her to learn more about the church. She accepted and we plan to teach her and her family soon. We are teaching two less active families the lessons and one recently activated. We are really growing as we prepare and teach.
Recently we are having alot more success finding investigators. We went to a referal with a member today and met a family of four, along with a boy friend of one of the girls. We have scheduled a lesson with all of them in the members home week after next. We have located two other potential investigators who are familiar with the church and we hope to invite soon to hear more. Most of our time is spent finding those that are lost. We have many who are in the ward but less active. Some do not want to be found. I love to see the surprise on their face when they see us at the door. Its like oh no they found me!! All are surprized some are very kind but not interested. We do not let them off easy we invite as many ways as we can think of to come to church to relearn or to let us serve them. It is great. We have only had a few say we could not come back. We consider that progress.
Especially thanks to Gracie, Livie, Ella, Jack, Matt, & Nathan for the beautiful birthday and easter cards.
We appreciate and feel all your prayers. This is a blessed work. Thanks Brad and Ash for taking care of things there.
Love you all
Papa J and Grandma T


  1. Luv the pics at Redwood Forest. Hee Hee we're both a year older now. Hope you enjoyed your birthday! Keeping you in our prayers! Luv ya!

  2. Sorry that post was me Kendall not my mom. :)

  3. Sounds like your teaching pool is growing by the week. That is the best news of all. We will pray for little miracles and successes in Santa Cruz this week. Cool birthday door. We miss ya so much!

  4. wow jerry, look how loved you are on your birthday door! We love the pictures and love hearing about your work!

  5. This is Toni (Ashley's Mom). Hope you don't mind that I peek at your blog occasionally. You are so inspiring to us all. I know your children are very proud of you two as are Larry and I. Keep up the good work. Oh, and Happy Birthday!

  6. I had to sneak a peek and I am glad I did. I love to see you both right in your element. I know California is going to just love ya both, I mean come on who doesn't? I just hope they don't try to keep you forever. I love you both and am glad to see your alive and well. I know the Lord will bless you in finding investigators you are both so deserving and such examples to my family. We miss you and love you both, and Happy Birthday sorry we missed it!

  7. Aunt Tani and Uncle Jerry! Can you guys email me your address?! I have some stuff to send you and don't know where to send it!! My email is Hope you guys are doing well! Miss you both!

  8. Hi Jerry and Tanya, We just got back from Turkey and Azerbijian seeing Zach and Steff and the kids. It was a great place to turn 60. We were in Istanbul on your birthday so I didn't call. I hope all is going well with you both. You look happy. Paula and I are going to hang it up in 2 /12 year and are looking forward to joining the missionary force as a couple. We look forward to it, thanks for showing us the path. Love Jim and Paula.
